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Nobscussett Property Owners Association
on the beautiful shores of Cape Cod Bay

Welcome to the Off-Season 2024-25!

Please keep your eyes on the NPOA website and enewsletters for the latest news, events and activities, and update...    Read More

Welcome to Fall-Winter 2024

Summer 2024 is now a memory; welcome to the Fall-Winter season. Please watch the NPOA website and our occasional enewsletters for the latest news, events, and updates.


The deadline for dues payments was July 1, but if you missed your payment, you may still renew your membership for the remainder of the year ahead (through June 30, 2024). You can pay online, by check, or in person. Get all the details on our Membership page.

Summer Activities, and More!

We held a number of well-attended members’ activities during Summer 2024. Check the Events page for a sampling of what we offered, then watch for emails about plans for a few fall and winter activities. Meanwhile, using the results of our recent activities survey, the NPOA Board is already looking ahead to plan Summer 2025 events. Stay tuned! 


If you would like to help organize, host, or contribute to any of these activities, please contact board members Meghan Sullivan, Tom Byrne, or Sue Masterson.

NPOA Annual Meeting 

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The 2024 NPOA Annual Meeting took place on Saturday, June 29 at 9:30 a.m. at the home of NPOA president Bill Weber, 4 Bayberry Lane.


Members in attendance heard updates on the association's finances and the repairs to the Mark Way revetment and stairs, voted on the slate of officers and directors for the coming year, and more.


Next year's Annual Meeting will take place during the July 4 weekend. We hope to see you there!

Join Us on Facebook!

The NPOA Cape Cod has a Facebook group page. Look there for NPOA news and photos of NPOA activities, and feel free to add your own pictures, videos, memories, and comments throughout the summer.

We have updated the site to make it easier to use and more informative.


Please take a look around to familiarize yourself with membership and dues information, rules for using Lot E and the beach, and more.


Download the beach rules and Lot E maps to post in your home and share with family members, guests, and renters:




Beach Rules

Lot E Maps

Explore Our Website! 

Be a Good Neighbor!

Around the neighborhood:

  • Drive slowly! Be alert for walkers, kids on bikes, dogs, landscapers, construction crews, and other obstacles. The speed limit within the NPOA is 25 mph… please try to go even slower!

  • Don’t be a noisy neighbor! Remember that sound travels loud and clear, so keep voices and sound systems at a respectable level. Be mindful that the fun you might be having may not be so much fun for those who live nearby.

At the beach:

  • Use the NPOA’s Lot E when at the beach… and only Lot E.

  • Lot E begins approximately 30 feet from the bluff and extends out to low tide. Between the bluff and that 30-foot line is the private property of the homes at the top of the bluff. Do not sit on other people’s land. Remember that Lot E is underwater during high tide periods. Plan your beachgoing accordingly.

  • Do not sit or climb on the stone revetments. They are private property, and it is dangerous. Also, don’t place towels or other belongings on the stone revetments, poles, or owners’ stairways.

  • Keep bikes and wagons at home if possible. Our stairway paths are narrow and doing so could impede people’s access and safety.

  • Don’t leave or store chairs or other personal possessions on the beach, stairs, or paths. They will be removed.

  • Remember to take all of your trash when you leave the beach.

(Click on individual photo to enlarge it)
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